Korean Certified Interpreter/Translator Dr. Junhui Park
“There is nobody to match her mastery of Korean and English. She is a writer and professor in both languages and spent a half of her life in Korea, and another half in the U.S. You can depend on her to provide Korean to English, and English to Korean translation of the highest accuracy. ” Kwak Joong Chul, Professor of Interpreting, Hankook University of Foreign Studies
“She is simply the best I know. Junhui worked with our Law Firm for more than 10 years, and have provided high quality interpreting for depositions and trials. Not only is she very professional and reliable, but she is also possessed of sparkling, light-hearted personality that makes for good relationship with others.” Dana, Sheppard Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP
Language: Korean Certified court interpreter
Korean to English and English to Korean Translator
- State of California Certified Court Interpreter /Certified Administrative Hearing Interpreter/Certified Medical Interpreter and Expert in the Translation of Korean
- U.S. Federal Court Approved Interpreter
- Specializes in simultaneous interpretation and translation of Korean/English
- This top quality offline and online Korean translator provides translation of legal, financial, and technological documents such as contracts and patents
Recent Translations
– Trial documents of a criminal case on Embezzlement and Breach of Trust involving a prominent mobile communication company
– Swarovski Brand Designated Manufacturer Agreement and Brand Logo License Agreement
– Daum Games , Item Bay, Bigpoint Games Channeling Agreement
– Rhinox – Hats On Trial Documents and Settlement Agreement
– Eland Shareholders Agreement
– Trial documents involving Jinro America and Hite USA
– Registered patent: A Biological Composite for Prevention and Treatment of Post-weaning Multisystemic Watig Syndrome in Weaning Pigs
– Registered patent: A method of coating kitchen utensils
– Cysco PIM multicast routing GigabitEthernet Interfaces Gigabit Etherchannels
– SIR-Spheres, Manual Radiation Injection Device for Brachytherapy, Emergo Korea.
– Boeing, JDAM Program contract
– Legal documents re: Dynatec Madagascar S.A. vs. Daewoo International and Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd.
– HSPA Digital Baseband HLD Ver.1.0.0
– LTE MACRO SBM8000 Downlink TX Detailed Design V0.2
– Quinn Emanuel, Urghuhart & Sullivan, LLP, Apple vs. Samsung trial documents
– Paul Hastings LLP, Dupont vs. Kolon trial documents
– Lanier Law Firm, Graphics Holdings Properties vs. LG Electronics, Inc.
– Lieff Cabraser Heimann& Bernstein, Stanislaus Food Products Company v. USS-POSCO Industries
Discover Network, Promotion materials
– Sheppard Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP, T3Micro Inc vs. SGI Co., Ltd. Complaints, Discovery, Legal documents
– Pearson, Simon Warshaw, Penny LLP – TFT-LCD Anti Trust Litigation documents
– Engel & Engel BBK case documents
– Dongbu Life Insurance, Korean court decisions
– Patents: LG refrigerator, Samsung mobile hone technology, light emitting diodes, Detal implant driver, a recording medium for broadcsting rich content, air damper for mobile furni, refrigerator beverage discharging divice, a substitution type electroless gold plating solution, etc.
– Boeing F-15 Next gneraton fighter
– Raytheon Surfact Anti Air Missile, MK-49 Guided MIssile launching system
– LG Philips SCD Module Service Manual
– New York Life promotion materials
– SONY audited financial statements
– Holyname Hospital documents, Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles Autism Roadmap
– Korean Women’s Development Institute: Journal of Women’s Studies
- Independent contractor Interpreter , County of Los Angeles Superior court and U.S. Federal District Court; Free Lancer Interpreter and Translator of Civil Trials
- Professor of Asian Studies , Asia United Christian University, Korea
- Assistant Professor of Politics, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
Education and Credentials:
B.A. in International Relations, Seoul National University
M.A. in Politics, State University of New York at Buffalo
Ph.D. in Politics, State University of New York at Buffalo
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