I began my career as an interpreter in Korea when I occasionally appeared on TV to interview visiting English speaking dignitaries while working as an English broadcaster for the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS Radio). I produced and wrote my own scripts for my programs which covered topics from news items to Korean music; culture to interviews; and a mailbag program.
I left Korea in 1974 and have lived in Tokyo, Hong Kong, New York City and since 1991 in Stamford, Connecticut.
Since 1996, I have worked as a freelance simultaneous/consecutive interpreter (English/Korean) and Translator (English/Korean/Japanese) in the New York area.
I became a court interpreter by taking tests, first for New York State and subsequently for the State of Connecticut where I am the only State appointed Korean language interpreter.
Interpreting and Translating Experience
- Korean Broadcasting System (K.B.S. TV) – Interview Interpreting
Brazilian Ambassador to Korea
Charles DuToit, Conductor of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra
1973 Miss America, Terry Meeuwsen, Miss Kansas, Cynthia Sikes and a few other American participants
A question & answer session at Dr. Chan E. Park’s Pansori performance in Manhattan
Korean Cultural Service NY
– Natural Dyeing Demonstration and Exhibition by Ms. Choi, Ok-Ja
– Korean Court Cuisine Lecture & Demonstration by Professor Yoon, Sook-Ja at the Museum of Art and Design
– Wood Carving Demonstration by Mr. Park, Chansu, an important cultural asset, at the Museum of Art and Design
– Meeting between the Minister (Cabinet Secretary) of Culture, Sports & Tourism and the Director of Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York
Ewha Womans University
– Meeting between the Presidents of Ewha Womans University and SUNY Stony Brook
United Methodist Church (simultaneous – conference setting)
– New York Conference’s 4-day annual conference, every year since 1996
– General Conference: 12-day quadrennial conference
– Korean Ministry Night for 10 years: Scholarship and dinner (from Korean to English)
– U.M.W. (women’s group) Northeast Regional Quadrennial Conference
– General Board of Global Ministry meeting with Korean Methodist Mission Team
– School of Christian Mission
– World Methodist Council Meeting in Seoul, Korea
– World Methodist Conference in Seoul, Korea; and additionally consecutive interpreting of the address by Seoul’s Mayor to the conference.
Judicial Interpreting & Translating
– Registered Interpreter for the New York State Unified Court System
– Only State appointed Korean language court interpreter of Connecticut
– Japanese language interpreter for the State of Connecticut
– Korean back translating of pamphlets for the State of Connecticut’s Judicial Branch
– Interpreting for a group of Korean judges visiting New Haven courts, sponsored by the Korean Supreme Court, arranged by the Korean Embassy in Washington, D.C.
– Samsung America, Inc.
– Interior Décor International, Tokyo, Japan
– Pacific Investment Group
– Titan Management LP, Greenwich, CT
– Goldberg Survey Research
– Marriott Hotel at Glenpointe, NJ
– Prudential Connecticut Realty
– Schools in Fairfield County, CT and Westchester County, NY, For parent-teacher/specialists conferences and tests
– Stamford Hospital
– Michael I. Weintraub, M.D.
– Misak H. Abdulian, M.D.
– Joseph Eipe, M.D.
– Gnana Desigan, M.D.
– Stamford Partnership
– Yongja Kim, an author of Korean cookbooks: Translating selected recipes
– e-comArt: A painter, Mr. Oh, Chi Gyun’s New York debut at the Chelsea Art Museum Meeting of Mr. Oh with art critics and the Opening night
– Gallery HYUNDAI
– NY Projects: Media contact for Dr. Young Gull Kwon, Deputy Mayor of Seoul,
– Re-writing Ms. Yunghee Kim’s, NY Projects’ CEO, business proposal from Korean to English
– Amy Ringer
– Oak N. Yi
– Leah & Josh Yoon
Education and Credentials / Professional Memberships
Parsons School of Design, New York, NY (A.A.S. in Interior Design)
Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea (B.A. in Journalism)
Kyunggi Girls Middle & High School, Seoul, Korea
American Translators Association (A.T.A.)
National Association of Judicial Interpreters and Translators (N.A.J.I.T.)
Other Korean Translation pages
Translate Korean to English Translate English to Korean Korean to English translation
English to Korean translation Korean to English translator English to Korean translator
Korean translator in Los Angeles
Articles related to Korean Translation
Translate Korean financial statement into English
English to Korean translation of legal vocabulary
Vocabulary for English to Korean medical translation